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Frequently Asked Questions
What should facilitators do in an emergency?
- Adhere to CPS district policy
- Remember that research shows that asking someone if they are suicidal does not make them suicidal
How will data be managed and privacy maintained?
All surveys collected will be anonymous. The consent and assent forms that contain identifiable information will be kept in a secure University of Chicago server.
Will participating in this intervention create more work for parents and students?
This intervention will occur during an existing class period. It will not be an after school activity, nor will it extend the length of the school day in which it is administered. Parents and students must sign consent and assent forms on their own time, but this should take 5-10 minutes.
Does learning about depression and suicide promote depressive or suicidal behaviors in students?
This is a common misconception. Learning about depression and suicide has not been shown to promote depressive or suicidal tendencies in youth. Learning about these topics will help youth to notice signs in others and give youth in need an opportunity to discuss their problems with a trusted adult.